
Just so that y’all are aware: D&D is queer af.  Sometimes, the cis and straights don’t really play around with the idea of gender as much as us more queer people are apt to do.  That’s fine. Not really, but it’s fine. The thing is, it’s so limiting, and in a fantasy world of dragons,Continue reading “D&D&Gender”

Dungeon Masters: It’s Not You vs. The Players

Imagine this: You’re a Dungeon Master.  You have your Big Bad facing the party in the climactic battle when, lo and behold, you have your Big Bad use an attack..only to roll a 1.  Then, the players retaliate with a spell and…you roll another 1. You keep rolling low, and the players roll well, andContinue reading “Dungeon Masters: It’s Not You vs. The Players”

“Underrated” of the Week: The Trickery Domain

When I first started playing D&D, I was really all about the spellcasting.  I loved me some sorcerer power, and that’s typically all I played until my first sorcerer for my current group (Detroit LFG) got torn in half by a tree.   When trying to pick a new character to play, I had no ideaContinue reading ““Underrated” of the Week: The Trickery Domain”

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